Building a Brain Injury Program, the Miami Way

The Brain Discovery Series – Issue 6

With special guest Dr. Gillian Hotz

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Creating a premier brain injury program at a time when little information and limited interest from the medical community was present, was no easy task. But, building this program with Dr. Gillian Hotz made all the difference. Together, we created a program focusing on the continuum of care, from the ICU to the post-acute phase until long-term care.  

In this interview, our host, Ellie, asks about how we built this comprehensive program from the ground up, saw around 100 patients a day, and managed an interdisciplinary team.

More so, we expose the complications of the hospital system, the challenges we faced, and where this program led us to today.

Thank you to Dr. Hotz for joining me for Issue 6 of the Brain Discovery Series and for the 30 years we worked together.

We have another interview scheduled focusing on the creation of the Sports Concussion Program at the University of Miami and all we accomplished over the years… so stay tuned everyone!


Health Care as a Right to Life


Will you ever be the same again after a brain injury? The Brain Discovery Series– Issue 5